34.5kV Buipe Substation Project
Construction of 34.5kV Switching Station.Project Details:
Detailed design for a ring bus substation using the free issued equipment/materials which include: 161/34.5kV, 25/33MVA Power & 34.5kV Grounding / Auxiliary transformers, 161& 34.5kV steel support structures,161 & 34.5kV balance of plant (CB, DS, CVT, CT, SA, PI, etc), 161kV Lines and transformer protection panels 161kV Gantries and others.
Installation of all free equipment issued by GRIDCo.
Supply and installation of remaining balance of plant for the works.
Pre-commissioning checks under GRIDCo’s leadership of all relevant items above.
Commissioning and bringing into commercial operation of the 161/34.5kV, 25/33MVA substation complete.